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The Order of the Daughters of the King:

Women of Hope Chapter 

At the close of 2024, the Women of Hope chapter delivered thirty-four bags of goodies to the Veterans Courtney House apartments. This was our outreach service project for the year, in addition to assisting Parish Life with the craft and cookie sales.

With the New Year underway, the Women of Hope have begun a new format to our monthly meetings. Instead of an agenda full of things to consider, our focus this year is on learning spiritual gifts from each other and limiting business meetings to three times a year.

The January twenty-second meeting was a business meeting followed by a little bit of church humor found in church bulletins and at church services. (For a copy go to the Daughters of the King email address shown below. We all can use a little humor in our lives, and these are sure to put a smile on your face.)

The February 12, meeting at 4:00 pm in room 112, will include making Valentine Cards and treats for the Veterans. Delivery will be on February 13, at 10:30 am.

Then, on Sunday February 16, the Daughters will be celebrating their second anniversary as a chapter. In 1897 our church had a DOK chapter, but due to two world wars it was dismantled. When we re-upped our membership, the Order reinstated our charter. One could say that we are a hundred plus years old, but we will just stick to a two-year celebration.  Join us after services for a small reception and recognition of our eight members and one who is preparing to become a Daughter. We are currently the largest chapter in Oregon!

The rest of our calendar includes: February 26, Spiritual Poetry presented by Ann Lovejoy; March 26,  Linda Banister presents; April 23,  Mary Forner presents Emanuel by Herbert O’ Driscol; May 28, is a Business Meeting; June 25, Robin Ellis presents; July 23, The Rev. Dr. Betsy Schwarzentraub,  author of Afire with God presents; August 27, is a Business meeting; September 24, Sue Dauer presents; October 22, The Reverend Linda Wood presents a brief history of the Episcopal Church; November 19, Elizabeth Bauman presents;December 17, Joan Hans-Stafford recaps the year and reflections on Afire with God.

If you would like to join us, our meetings are in room 112 and start promptly at 4:00 pm. You may also contact me at for more information or connect with one of the Daughters who can be identified by the little silver cross each wears daily.                                                        

- Joan Hans-Stafford, President

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