Find a group where you can share your interests, seek support, offer assistance, or connect. For more information, contact the St. Paul's office!
Acolytes are youth in our parish, beginning in fourth grade through high school. They help in our worship services by lighting/extinguishing the candles, carrying torches during processions, carrying the cross, carrying the Gospel Book, flying kites on special occasions, ringing the Sanctus Bell, and helping out where needed during worship.
Altar Guild is a volunteer group whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels and altar linens. We do so under the direction of the Rector and are responsible for setting up for Holy Eucharist and caring for the furnishings in and around the altar and sacristy. We are devoted to Christ and His church. Preparing the altar for communion is both an honor and a joy. If you feel called to this loving service, please let us know.
Our mission is to prepare and deliver meals to our fellow parishioners in times of grief, illness and recovery. There are no meetings required for this ministry! Our goal is to have a long list of volunteers that we can call on via email when a need arises.
If you feel called to contribute to this important service ministry, email
Eucharistic Ministers are the helpers around the altar. They lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People, receive the gifts from the people, and help with serving the wine during communion. They also fill in as Acolytes and Lectors during some services.
Greeters are the people with the smiling faces who open the doors and welcome all who come to worship with us. They are especially important to visitors who are new to our building.
Java Crew is back for fresh, hot coffee and tea along with snacks after the 10:00am service on Sunday.
We meet for Fellowship Time in the library. There may also be an occasional Coffee Class during this time. We encourage everyone to stop by for refreshments, greeting those you know and meeting new parishioners.
We encourage anyone interested to join us in this ministry. It is fun and a wonderful way to meet new people…and the coffee is good!!
Lectors are the people who share the Holy Scripture with us during our worship.
This group contacts visitors and newcomers to St. Paul’s and helps to answer their questions and help them get oriented and involved in our parish.
Office Volunteers are the smiling faces who welcome you to St. Paul's during the week!
Volunteers answer the phones, greet visitors at the door, and help direct folks to meetings and events.
Looking to boost your resume with customer service and administrative skills? Becoming an Office Volunteer is a great start!
If you are an Episcopal woman who prays for others and would appreciate some support-time with other like-minded women, please consider joining The Order of the Daughters of the King.
The Order was started in 1885 by Margaret J. Franklin, who envisioned a mission to bring women of her parish together to serve and pray faithfully to extend Christ’s Kingdom on earth.
As a Daughter, we can be identified by a tiny silver cross, the emblem of our Order. It is inscribed with the Latin words Magnamiter Crucem Sustine, which translates with heart and mind and spirit uphold and bear the cross. We wear the cross daily. Our mission is simple, to pray, serve, and share the love of Jesus Christ to the world.
The Parish Life Group works to deepen community by providing opportunities for friendship, fun and sometimes food! We help to sponsor activities like the Ice Cream Social, the feasts like the St. Nicholas Brunch and much more. We'd love to have you join us, just contact the office for more information about how to get involved.
Pastoral Care Ministries offers support in the following areas:
Email or click the image above to learn more!
The Property Committee is responsible for maintaining a prioritized list of projects which must be approved by the Vestry. For each project, it develops a scope of work and budget. If approved by the Vestry, the Committee then solicits bids from outside independent contractors.
Parishioners are encouraged to bring to the attention of the Property Committee any and all issues or problems regarding the physical fabric of St. Paul’s buildings and grounds.
Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. Sacred Ground is part of Becoming a Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This series is open to all.
St. Clare’s guild is a fellowship of women who follow Christ by supporting each other and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, with emphasis on the needs of children and the wellbeing of our community. St. Paul’s Rummage Sales - a bargain hunter’s dream! - are organized by St. Clare’s Guild. The 2025 sale dates are
May 22nd - 24th
October 16th - 18th.
Participating in rummage sale preparation and staffing is an excellent way to meet new people and possibly discover some unexpected treasures for yourself! We welcome you to give the Rummage Sale and St. Clare’s Guild a try.
St. Paul's Pride is an LGBTQIA+ adult fellowship group that was formed in the summer of 2021. We seek to provide community, support and spirituality for ourselves; formation and advocacy within our congregation; and affirmation, evangelism, and reconciliation in the greater Salem area. Our activities include movie nights, book reads, and attending community Pride events together!
Ushers are the people who hand out bulletins, give directions to newcomers, take up the offering, bring our gifts forward to the altar in preparation for Holy Communion, and guide people to the altar when it is time to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. They are also the people who can help as the need arises if someone in the congregation becomes faint or ill during the service.
March 2025
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10am Little Wonders / Godly Play
10am Holy Eucharist - Rite II
11am Chili CookOff - Gym
1pm Grief Group - Rm112
3pm Sacred Ground
5:30pm Grace Notes Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30am Gas Card Lottery
5pm Kitchen Training
6pm EfM
Show all
10am Women's Bible Study - 108
2pm CANCELLED - Community Yoga (Standard)
4:30pm Sacred Ground
6:30pm Book Group - Library
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8am Men's Wednesday Gospel Group (Zoom)
12pm Staff Meeting
3:45pm Advent Bells
3:45pm Primary Choir
4pm The Order of the Daughters of the King Meeting - Rm 112
4:15pm Advent Choir
4:15pm Grace Notes
5:15pm Community Dinner
6:15pm Evening Prayer Service
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5:40pm St. Paul's Ringers Rehearsal
7pm Trinity Choir Rehearsal
12pm Community Meditation
Evensong Rehearsal
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10am Holy Eucharist - Rite II
11am Fun with Social Gospel - Rm 108
1pm Grief Group - Rm112
4pm Evensong Concert
5:30pm Grace Notes Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30am Gas Card Lottery
6pm EfM
Show all
Shrove Tuesday
10am Women's Bible Study
1:30pm Art & Architecture Mtg - Rm 112
2pm Community Yoga (Standard)
5pm Pancake Supper - Parish Hall
Show all
Ash Wednesday
8am Men's Wednesday Gospel Group (Zoom)
12:10pm Ash Wednesday Liturgy
1pm Holy Week Planning - Rm 108
2pm Personnel Committee Meeting - Room 112
3:45pm Advent Bells
3:45pm Primary Choir
4:15pm Advent Choir
4:15pm Grace Notes
5:15pm Community Dinner
7pm Ash Wednesday Liturgy (Trinity Choir)
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2pm Stewardship Meeting
5:40pm St. Paul's Ringers Rehearsal
7pm Trinity Choir Rehearsal
Show all
12pm Community Meditation
2:30pm Prince of Peace Mtg - Rm 112
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10am Little Wonders / Godly Play
10am Holy Eucharist - Rite II
12:30pm Salem Youth Collective - Parish Hall and Gym
1pm Grief Group - Rm112
3pm Sacred Ground
5:30pm Grace Notes Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30am Gas Card Lottery
6pm EfM
Show all
10am Women's Bible Study
12pm Finance Committee
2pm Community Yoga (Standard)
3pm Property Committee Mtg - Rm 108
4pm Pastoral Care Mtg
4:30pm Sacred Ground
Show all
8am Men's Wednesday Gospel Group (Zoom)
10am Salem Youth Collective Leaders Mtg
12pm Staff Meeting
3:45pm Advent Bells
3:45pm Primary Choir
4:15pm Advent Choir
4:15pm Grace Notes
5:15pm Community Dinner
6:15pm Evening Prayer Service
Show all
10am Property Solar Meeting - Rm 108
5:40pm St. Paul's Ringers Rehearsal
7pm Trinity Choir Rehearsal
Show all
12pm Community Meditation
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10am Holy Eucharist - Rite II
11am Facility Tours - Library
12:30pm Salem Youth Collective
1pm Grief Group - Rm112
5:30pm Grace Notes Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30am Gas Card Lottery
6pm EfM
Show all
10am Women's Bible Study
2pm Community Yoga (Standard)
6:30pm Vestry Meeting
Show all
8am Men's Wednesday Gospel Group (Zoom)
12pm Staff Meeting
3:45pm Advent Bells
3:45pm Primary Choir
4:15pm Advent Choir
4:15pm Grace Notes
5:15pm Community Dinner
6:15pm Evening Prayer Service
Show all
10am Knit Pray Crochet
5:40pm St. Paul's Ringers Rehearsal
7pm Trinity Choir Rehearsal
Show all
12pm Community Meditation
10am Craft Faire Workshop - Rm 108
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10am Little Wonders / Godly Play
10am Holy Eucharist - Rite II
1pm Grief Group - Rm112
3pm Sacred Ground
5:30pm Grace Notes Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30am Gas Card Lottery
6pm EfM
Show all
10am Women's Bible Study
2pm Community Yoga (Standard)
4:30pm Sacred Ground
6:30pm Book Group - Library
Show all
No Choir Rehearsals (Spring Break)
8am Men's Wednesday Gospel Group (Zoom)
12pm Staff Meeting
3:45pm Advent Bells
3:45pm Primary Choir
4pm The Order of the Daughters of the King Meeting - Rm 112
4:15pm Advent Choir
4:15pm Grace Notes
6:15pm Evening Prayer Service
Show all
5:40pm St. Paul's Ringers Rehearsal
7pm Trinity Choir Rehearsal
12pm Community Meditation
9am Altar Guild Meeting - Rm 108
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10am Holy Eucharist - Rite II
1pm Grief Group - Rm112
5:30pm Grace Notes Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30am Gas Card Lottery
6pm EfM
Show all
9am Red Cross Blood Drive - Gym
10am Women's Bible Study
2pm Community Yoga (Standard)
7pm Evensong Rehearsal
Show all
8am Men's Wednesday Gospel Group (Zoom)
12pm Staff Meeting
3:45pm Advent Bells
3:45pm Primary Choir
4:15pm Advent Choir
4:15pm Grace Notes
5:15pm Community Dinner
6:15pm Evening Prayer Service
Show all
2pm Stewardship Meeting
5:40pm St. Paul's Ringers Rehearsal
7pm Trinity Choir Rehearsal
Show all
12pm Community Meditation
9am Evensong Rehearsal
9am St. Paul's Workday
Click here to view on Google Calendar.